It is with enormous sadness that we announce the death of our longtime friend, pioneer feminist and author of SEXUAL POLITICS, Kate Millett. She died this morning in Paris of cardiac arrest. Kate would have been 83 this week.
It is impossible here to recount and pay tribute to all of Kate’s many, many groundbreaking contributions to feminist theory and activism. The late Andrea Dworkin said it best, “The world was asleep but Kate Millett woke it up.”
We will all miss her.
The New Yorker, September 13, 2017 contains A Last Interview with Kate Millett, written by Rachel Shteir.
The New York Times, September 7, 2017 contains an obituary of Kate, along with a list of resources:
Kate Millett, Influential Feminist Writer, Is Dead at 82
September 07, 2017 – – Obituaries – Print Headline: “Kate Millett, Influential Feminist Writer, Is Dead at 82.” Ms. Millett’s 1970 book, “Sexual Politics,” made her “the principal theoretician of the women’s liberation movement.”
De Beauvoir, Lessing now Kate Millett; Sexual Politics Sexual Politics
September 06, 1970 – – Print Headline: “De Beauvoir, Lessing now Kate Millett; Sexual Politics Sexual Politics.” On the delicate skin of the Rokeby Venus in London’s National Gallery are the slashmarks made, by the suffragettes. The aggressive women, the odalisque represented, the model, the painter celebrating such form and flesh, and the consumers of such …
To Be Female Is to Die; Millett
September 09, 1979 – – Print Headline: “To Be Female Is to Die; Millett.” It may be argued that tragedy consoles us, in ways too deep, too complex, for us to delineate. “Tragedy,” of course, implies art, and art implies artifice. Denuded of Shakespeare’s language, for instance, the brutal acts of the great plays– Glou…
Books of The Times; He and She II
August 06, 1970 – – Print Headline: “Books of The Times; He and She II.” Millett, Kate: Sexual Politics