Contribute Artifacts
The New York Historical Society Welcomes VFA Memorabilia
to its Center for Women’s History
After a long search, we are delighted to announce that The Veteran Feminists of America has partnered with The New York Historical Society in creating a home for our artifacts and stories that document modern feminism. The newly-created Center for Women’s History meets the highest standard to collect, preserve, and exhibit artifacts. Future generations will be able to view, learn, and find inspiration with first-hand accounts of the feminist revolution that transformed our country.
Located in Manhattan, The New York Historical Society is both a museum and a library. The library will house written materials such as records, news articles, books and first-hand accounts. The museum will accept three dimensional objects such as banners, posters, buttons and other items that illustrate the story.
The goal of the Center for Women’s History is to make these historical materials widely available to researchers and the general public through interactive exhibitions, the research library, public programs, K-12 educational initiatives, and digital archiving.
The Veteran Feminists of America will collaborate in soliciting memorabilia from activists across the country, providing a unique opportunity for you to share your experiences by donating items that show, as well as tell, of the sweeping social change achieved by Second Wave Feminism.
Dr. Valerie Paley, Director of the Center for Women’s History, invites inquiries describing proposed contributions. She requests that interested donors first read the Collecting Policy and complete the Inquiry Form, available here.
N-YHS Collecting Policy
The objective is to document women’s experience throughout the centuries, especially feminist activism of the first and second waves. Subject areas include but are not limited to suffrage, political campaigns, women’s health and mental health issues, labor discrimination, women of color, reproductive rights, sexual violence, domestic violence, divorce and custody laws, the ERA, the development of women’s studies/women’s history courses, gay and lesbian rights, anti-pornography, eco-feminism, feminist visual and performing arts, and literature.
The Center will accept donations in a variety of formats including but not limited to letters, diaries, speeches, lectures, articles, photographs, posters/flyers, organization minutes and records, scrapbooks, political items, pamphlets, badges, buttons, ribbons, souvenirs, articles of clothing, visual materials, and three-dimensional artifacts.
Personal papers and organizational records may be considered. Prospective donations of oral histories, film, and music require a written summary or transcript. Priority will be given to materials related to New York City and State [This is a preference, not an absolute priority] and to unpublished, rare, or original items.
The Center reserves the right to refuse, return, or dispose of materials that are not relevant to the purpose and collecting goals of the New-York Historical Society, duplicates, in poor condition, or with restrictions on use in compliance with the New-York Historical Society’s de-accessioning policies.
New-York Historical Society staff are not permitted to appraise the financial value of any materials proposed for acquisition consideration. This is considered a conflict of interest.
For information about the Veteran Feminists of America Artifact Acquisition and Collection
Rebecca Lubetkin
If you are interested and would like to offer one or more items, please open the form, print and submit.
Download Inquiry Form Here
Mail to:
Valerie Paley, PhD.
Director, Center for Women’s History New-York Historical Society
170 Central Park West
New York, New York 10024
Or, scan & email to:
Valerie Paley, PhD.
Click Here to Email Valerie