VFA Speakers

Mary Dore

Mary Dore is an award-winning documentary producer who brings an activist perspective to her films.  Dore started making documentaries with a film collective in Boston, including Children of Labor (1977) which premiered at the New York Film Festival, and The Good Fight: the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in the Spanish Civil War (1984, with Noel Buckner and Sam Sills), which screened at the Toronto, Sundance, and London Film Festivals. She has also made dozens of documentaries for  television networks.  She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry (2014) has won numerous awards in the US and internationally, and was just selected to be one of 2017’s Notable Videos for Adults by the American Library Association (ALA).   It is now available as a Home DVD, Educational DVD, and on Netflix worldwide, where it was translated into 22 languages.

Mary Dore

She's Beautiful When She's AngryTopics:

  • Feminist History
  • Second Wave
  • Feminism
  • Activism.


  • She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry
    A 92 minute-long feature film about the early women’s movement in the US.  Available to purchase as a Home DVD, with an hour of extras.
    Purchase DVD
    Educational and Library Sales


  • Feature length documentary, and Dore has spoken with the film at hundreds of venues.

Tech Requirements:

  • Screen:  We have DVD’s, Blurays and DCP’s for theaters or larger public screenings.


  • Honorariums vary depending on the length of travel from NYC, and include travel expenses.  Please contact me directly by email.


  • Fine with travel, and prefer to plan in advance.