Sally Kitch
“It took a while for everybody to find a place. An organization that’s inclusive is inclusive of everybody.”
Author and Professor specializing in feminist theory, including:
- the intellectual history of gender and racial ideology in the U.S. and other countries and the impact of gender representation in visual and narrative culture on the lived realities of diverse women’s lives;
- feminist epistemology, the epistemology of the humanities and theories of interdisciplinary knowledge production;
- environmental humanities, including the importance of the humanities to sustainability science and the relationship of sustainability to gender and racial ideologies.
Interviewed by Judy Waxman, January 2022

Photo. Sally Kitch, the first recipient of the Illinois-National Women’s Studies Association Book Award for Chaste Liberation: A Symbolic Analysis of the Idea of Celibacy and Its Relationship to Female Cultural Status in Three Nineteenth-Century Communal Systems, 1987.