Robin Kaufman
“My greatest contribution was to prevent divisiveness.”
A grassroots community organizer and leader in Chicago. Taught auto repair to women in the early 1970s, the early days of CWLU’s Liberation School for Women. Staffed an “underground” childcare center in Chicago. Co-chair of the abortion task force that was a joint effort of NOW and CWLU. Helped draft the first municipal gay rights ordinance in Chicago and brought it to national NOW as a model for other cities in the early 1970s. Illinois state officer for national NOW. Worked in political campaigns to elect pro-ERA candidates.
A Conversation with Robin Kaufman, April – May 2022
More About Robin:
- Veteran Feminists of America events
- Publication Debut of Barbara Love’s, Feminists Who Changed America 1963-1975, Columbia University Faculty House and Barnard College, NYC. November 2006
- “Unfinished Business of the Women’s Movement,” Honoring Midwest Feminists, Chicago, IL August 27-28, 2004
- Archives
- Chicago Women’s History Center oral history interview 2012
- In 1972, “Socialist Feminism: A Strategy for the Women’s Movement,” believed to be the first publication to use the term “socialist feminism.” Published by the Hyde Park Chapter of the CWLU which included Heather Booth, Day Creamer, Susan Davis, Deb Dobbin, Robin Kaufman and Tobey Klass.
- Chicago Women’s Liberation Union website
- Cited in Barbara Love’s book, Feminists Who Changed America 1963-1975, page 246