Rev. Elizabeth Frazier
May 16, 1915 – September 4, 2019
Elizabeth was a woman of courage who blazed trails for others, a pioneer who opened doors for those who would follow and a woman of faith who challenged the future. Born near Massillon, Ohio in 1915, before women had the right to vote, she was an ardent feminist and advocate for social justice. She graduated from Oberlin College in 1936 and in 1940 was one of the first women to graduate from Yale Divinity School. In 1972 she was ordained. She was active in the United Church of Christ and various interim ministries in Connecticut and Florida, as well as local Boards of YWCA, AAUW, AFS and other organizations. She served on the Religious Advisory Committee of Planned Parenthood World Population, 1970.
Rev. Elizabeth Frazier
More About Elizabeth:
- Archives
- Cited in Barbara Love’s Book, Feminists Who Changed America, page 159