Pam Elam
“In whatever way we can, we work to make things better and to keep trying to make equality a reality for everybody.”
Attorney, Organizer and Activist. President of Monumental Women. Helped coordinate legislative campaigns in the Kentucky General Assembly that resulted in the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, the creation of legal protections for battered women and rape victims and the development of a Displaced Homemakers Program. Led the slate of Kentucky Delegates to the 1977 National Women’s Conference in Houston, Texas. With Molly MacGregor, promoted Women’s History Week, later Month, recognized by federal and state governments. Helped found the Congressional Union, Inc. (CU), an organization of historians and activists named in honor of the militant woman suffrage group created by Alice Paul and Lucy Burns, 1980. Legislative Aide to the New York City Council; organized more than 100 hearings for the Committee on Women. Active in the fight for the adoption of the Lesbian and Gay Rights Bill in the New York City Council. Helped found Lesbians in Government, a group of women employed by federal, state and municipal government, 1984. Revived the NOW–NYC Lesbian Rights Committee, 1986. Helped organize the first major conference on Lesbian Identity and Empowerment, 1987. Political consultant and Deputy Campaign Manager for the campaigns of Elizabeth Holtzman and Andrew Stein. Was Assistant Comptroller and Director of Community Relations for Comptroller Elizabeth Holtzman, 1989-1994.
Interviewed by Judy Waxman, Oral Historian, February 2023
![MW MONUMENT @ SUNRISE (portrait+) photo by David Spaulding](
Photo 1. “Bella Abzug speaks at Women’s Political Caucus gathering held at the Eleanor Roosevelt House. With Pam Elan (W.P.C.) on the far left and DA Elizabeth Holtzman,” from Catching the Wave, Bettye Lane. Photo 2. Sojourner Truth is speaking, Susan B. Anthony is organizing, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton is writing, three essential elements of activism. Sculptor: Meredith Bergmann. Photo by David Spaulding, Women’s Rights Pioneers Monument, copyright 2020 Monumental Women.