Nancy M. Burton
May 2, 1949 – May 25, 2021
“I inherited the notion and confidence that women can be empowered to move forward with an education from my aunt, Nancy Burton. Her voice is always in the back of my head.” – Marie Ponzio, June 25, 2021
Strong advocate for the ERA. Organizer. Chicago NOW secretary. Chicago NOW ERA chair. IL NOW ERA chair. NOW representative to ERA Illinois.

Photo 1. Members of Chicago NOW demonstrate in front of Sears, Roebuck’s headquarters on Women’s Equality Day. Left to right, Kathy Rand, Nancy Burton and Kem Kemmerer, 1974. Photograph by Howard D. Simmons. Photo 2. ERA parade in Chicago. Holding the banner, left to right, Ian Bell, Rita Bell, unknown, Nancy Burton holding the flag, April 1978. Photograph by Dorothea Jacobson-Wenzel. Photo 3. Nancy Burton, front and center holding the words of the Equal Rights Amendment at the ERA reunion at the UIC Richard J. Daley Library Chicago, IL. June, 2019.

More About Nancy:
- Nancy Burton Obituary
- Nancy’s memories, captured by Mary-Ann Lupa during the ERA reunion at the UIC Richard J. Daley Library Chicago, IL., June, 2019
- Select newspaper articles
- Archives