Nan Snow
“My work with the government and with the Governor’s Commission gave me unique opportunities to attend feminist conferences across the country. I was fortunate to hear some of the leading feminist voices of the time – Bella Abzug, Barbara Jordan and Governor Ann Richards. I was hooked.”
Lifelong champion for the cause of women’s equality. Federal Women’s Program Coordinator for Arkansas, 1969-1974. Member of the Governor’s Commission on the Status of Women, 1971-1975. Federal Women’s Program Regional Coordinator, 1974-1975. Member of Arkansas NOW and the Arkansas Women’s Political Caucus. Established a consulting firm with Dorothy Stuck, “Stuck & Snow Resultants,” 1981. They sought to get results for their clients, instead of merely consulting. Co-authored with Dorothy Stuck, Roberta: A Most Remarkable Fulbright, 1997.

Photo. Dorothy D. Stuck and Nan Snow, Roberta: A Most Remarkable Fulbright, book signing 1997.

Photo by University of Central Arkansas
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