Mary-Scott “Scotty” Welch
December 14, 1919 – September 22, 1995
“When I graduated from College, in 1940, I was one of very, very few in my class who were committed to lifelong careers, regardless of marriage and motherhood. I was the ‘odd’ mother who worked, and of course, as Betty Friedan was to point out, felt guilty about wanting to.”
Author, editor and feminist leader who fostered the concept of networking to advance a woman’s career. Advisory board for Cornell University’s Institute for Women and Work. Advisory board of NOW-NYC. Founding member of Friends of NOW-NYC. Coordinator of NOW-NYC Rape Prevention Committee.

More About Scotty:
- Obituary, The New York Times
- “I got my job through Kappa ‘Networking’,” by Mary Scott Stewart Welch, The Key of Kappa Kappa Gamma, Spring 1980
- Mary Scott Welch papers, Collection Number 10048, American Heritage Center, University of Wyoming.
- Wikipedia
- Cited in Barbara Love’s book, Feminists Who Changed America 1963-1975, page 487