Marlene Sanders
January 10, 1931 – July 14, 2015
“As I look back on my career, the women’s movement provided an exceptional point when time, place and position all came together to give me the power and focus to contribute to the country’s awareness of the status of women.”
Television news correspondent, anchor, producer, author, educator. Joined ABC News as a correspondent, 1964, where she reported on the women’s movement and status of women in the news. Asked by Betty Friedan to help plan publicity strategy to get NOW launched, 1966. Founder of NOW’s first chapter, NY NOW. First woman to anchor an evening news broadcast for a major network. First woman to report on Vietnam War from the field. Promoted to vice president and director of documentaries, ABC, 1976. Began working for CBS News, 1978. Produced and/or reported a series of documentaries on the movement, including “Women’s Liberation,” 1970; “Feminism in the Church,” 1971; “Feminism in the Temple,” 1972; “Women & Catholicism,” 1972; “The Hand that Rocks the Ballot Box,” 1972; “Population: Boom or Doom?” (1973); “Woman’s Place,” 1973; “Women’s Health: A Question of Survival,” 1976. Co-authored with Marcia Rock, Waiting for Prime Time: The Women of Television News, 1988. Adjunct Professor of Journalism at both New York University and Columbia’s Graduate School of Journalism.

Photo. Marlene Sanders, a correspondent for ABC News, outside the White House in 1965 before the inauguration of President Lyndon B. Johnson. (Credit, ABC)

More About Marlene:
- Obituary, New York Times
- Marlene Sanders Memorial Video on Vimeo, produced and edited by Marcia Rock
- Pioneering Journalist Marlene Sanders Remembered, The Two-Way, NPR
- Select Interviews/Videos
- Q & A with Marlene Sanders, Jewish Ledger
- Marlene Sanders, Television Academy Interviews
- Marlene Sanders,
- Marlene Sanders, McGannon Center TV Oral History Project : Fordham Digital Collections, 2004
- Marlene Sanders, Role of Women in Communications, Media Collections Online, 1974
- “She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry,” 2014 American documentary film about some of the women involved in the second wave feminism movement. Directed by Mary Dore and co-produced by Nancy Kennedy.
- Amy Goodman speaks with Judith Hennessee, Marlene Sanders, Barbara Seaman on the day of Betty Friedan’s funeral, February 6, 2006. (Courtesy of
- Veteran Feminists of America
- VFA Fabulous Feminist
- Salute to Feminist Writers at Barnard College, NYC, VFA event, April 26, 2002
- Muriel Fox honors Marlene at the Celebration of NOW’s 30th Anniversary event, November 1996
- Papers
- Cited in Barbara Love’s book, Feminists Who Changed America, 1963 – 1975, pages 402, 403