Marj Jackson Levin
June 29, 1925 – May 25, 2007
“Freedom of choice was the issue that most galvanized the women’s activist movement.”
Journalist, reporter, activist. Co-founded Michigan’s first NOW chapter, 1969 and served as vice president for public relations. Hosted a local television talk show produced by women, A Woman’s Place, discussing feminist issues, 1971-1972.

Photo. Pictured are (left to right) Harriet Alpern, Marcia Cron, Marj Levin, Joan Israel, 2000.
Veteran Feminists of America Celebration of NOW’s 30th Anniversary, November 1996
More About Marj:
- Obituary, The Detroit Free Press
- “Passing the Torch,” a documentary produced by Michael Rose Productions, is a behind the scenes look at the role Michigan women played in the Second Wave feminist movement, 2006
- Marjorie Jackson Levin Papers, Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University
- Jewish Women’s Archive
- Cited in Barbara Love’s book, Feminists Who Changed America 1963-1975, page 278