Marie Bass
“The relationships that we made, activist women, through working on the ERA were relationships that we carried on forever in our careers.”
Political Consultant. Former national campaign director for ERAmerica and a lobbyist for Planned Parenthood Federation of America. NARAL. Involved in the early days of EMILY’S List. One of the founders of the Reproductive Health Technologies Project. With Joanne Howes, was involved in reproductive rights. Bass and Howes consulting firm worked with such clients as the National Women’s Law Center, National Breast Cancer Coalition and Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health. Bass and Howes provided their clients with services including grassroots organizing and network building around progressive issues; electoral strategies and programs for political action committees; policy research, action and development; services for candidates and public officials; resource development and fundraising; planning and execution of conferences and symposia; writing and production of publications; and lobbying strategies and representation for organizations.
Interviewed by Judy Waxman, Oral Historian, December 2022
Photo 1. ERAmerica Team (left to right): Ellen Boddie, Marie Bass, Kathleen Currie, Honorary Co-Chairs Liz Carpenter and Elly Peterson, Maureen Shay, Roz Baker, David Abrams, Sheila Greenwald, Betsy Crone. Photo 2. Staff and consultants for EMILY’s List. Sitting (left to right): Sharon Hooper, Betsy Crone, Lisa Pelofsky, Celinda Lake; standing (left to right): Joanne Howes, Marie Bass and Ellen Malcolm. Ms. Magazine, June 1988.