Linda Smith Dyer
August 6, 1948 – September 27, 2001
“Organization of the Maine Women’s Lobby was a direct outgrowth of the Spirit of Houston. Women saw the need to provide for a stronger voice on the concerns of women before the Maine Legislature and they responded to that need.” – Linda Smith Dyer, November 1979
Lawyer, lobbyist and women’s rights activist. Deputy commissioner of the Maine Department of Agriculture. Co-founded the Maine Women’s Lobby with Janet T. Mills and Lois Galgay Reckitt. Active in the effort to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment in Maine. A past president of the Maine State Bar Association and the Family Planning Association of Maine.

More About Linda:
- Obituary, Morning Sentinel
- Linda Smith Dyer Fellowship
- This fellowship is offered by the Maine Women’s Policy Center (MWPC) in partnership with the Law School and the Justice For Women Lecture Series, and supports a Maine Law student working full-time during the summer for the MWPC. It is named for Linda, who played a key role in founding the MWPC and its affiliated organization, the Maine Women’s Lobby. The fellowship funds a $6,000 stipend and is open to first-year or second-year students with strong academic skills and a commitment to equity for women. The Fellow provides research, analysis and public policy development on issues related to women and girls. The application process is administered by the Law School.
- Wikipedia