Lawrence “Larry” Lader
August 6, 1919 – May 7, 2006
“I decided, in a flash of a second, All right, I’ve shot my mouth off; I will become an activist.”
Author and journalist Lawrence Lader has written extensively on abortion rights and family planning in the United States. He was founding chair of the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws (now the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League) in 1969 and was instrumental in the campaign that produced the 1970 New York State law legalizing abortion. Beginning in 1976 he served as president of the Abortion Rights Mobilization, and has worked for the introduction of RU 486 (also known as the “abortion pill”) to the United States. Founding member of Veteran Feminists of America.

More About Larry:
- Lawrence Lader’s obituary
- Veteran Feminists of America
- Larry’s remarks at the 30th Anniversary of August 26, 1970 Strike For Equality event. Held at Seventh Regiment Armory, NYC honoring feminists who created the historic March and Strike, and leaders who entered the movement that day. October 18, 2000
- Diana Alstad introduces Larry Lader at the VFA honors event at the Seventh Regiment Armory, NYC, April 1998
- Appearance on C-SPAN
- Select interviews
- Archives
- Lawrence Lader papers, Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College Special Collections, Northampton, Massachusetts
- The papers of Lawrence Lader, Schlesinger Library
- Interview of Lawrence Lader on the founding of the National Abortion Rights Action League, conducted by Jane Knowles of Schlesinger Library, June 6, 2001.
- Lawrence Lader papers, Manuscripts and Archives Division, The New York Public Library
- Cited in Barbara Love’s book, Feminists Who Changed America 1963-1975, pages 266