Laura Unger
“I’m So Glad I Took the Route that I Did.”
Union Leader, Organizer, Speaker, Editor, Writer. Artist. Lifetime Labor Activist and Supporter of Women’s and Civil Rights. CWA Local 1150. Bell Busters. Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). NYU Students Against the War. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).
Interviewed by Mary Jean Collins, VFA Historian, January 2019

Photo 1. Laura marching in the ’70s. Photo 2. Marching with comrade for life, Nick Unger. Photo 3. Laura interviewed on the MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour in 1991 proving when Local 1150 members were unjustly accused of causing a serious outage that jeopardized air traffic control on the east coast, it was caused by excessive layoffs. Photo 4. Scratch board drawing by Laura Unger of a famous Russian Poster from 1920 by Adolph Strokhof titled “March 8 – Women’s Emancipation Day.”
More About Laura:
- NYS Labor History Association Annual Conference – Speech by Laura Unger, Secretary Treasurer, CWA Local 1150 February 27, 1987
- Laura’s Art created as a four part booklet using brush, pen and ink for the Women’s March 2017
- Laura Unger Biography through 1999
- Laura Unger for Communications & Technologies VP ’99 – An Open Letter
- Telecom workers exchange information in Amsterdam page 4 from – The Socialist Viewpoint, February 1987
- Selected newspaper clippings 1988 – 1994
- CWA, Communications Workers of America Local 1150 Records – NYU Libraries
- CWA Local 1150