Joan Israel
July 24, 1930 – December 30, 2014
“NOW just grabbed me – I thought this was my heritage.”
Psychotherapist, Author, Activist. National Organization for Women: Founding member, Detroit chapter, 1969. President, 1970-1974. Organized and chaired childcare committee, 1968-1970. NOW board, 1976-1977. Co-editor, Looking Ahead: A Woman’s Guide to the Problems and Joys of Growing Older, 1977. Author, Surviving the Change: A Practical Guide to Menopause, 1980. Produced 2 short films, “Women Alone” and “To Life”. Bachelor of Arts, University of Rochester, 1952. Master’s in Social Work, Smith College, 1954.

Photo. Joan Israel (left), NOW President and Pat McEllerat, NOW V.P. of Political Affairs, MI, 1972.

More About Joan:
- Obituary
- Jewish Women and Second-Wave Feminist Activism in Metro Detroit, Joan Israel (
- “Passing the Torch,” a documentary produced by Michael Rose Productions, is a behind the scenes look at the role Michigan women played in the Second Wave Feminist movement, 2006.
- Veteran Feminists of America
- The Unfinished Business of the Women’s Movement, Chicago, IL August 2004
- Patricia Hill Burnett introduces Joan, Celebration of NOW’s 30th Anniversary, November 1996
- Archives
- Joan Israel – Wikipedia
- Cited in Barbara Love’s book, Feminists Who Changed America 1963-1975, page 230