Jenny Knauss
April 1937 – June 11, 2012
“The Chicago Women’s Liberation Union really took over my life.”
Adovocate for reproductive rights, women’s health and improving the health and welfare of the disenfranchised. Founding member of the Chicago Women’s Liberation Union. First executive director of the Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health, a nonprofit with an emphasis on marginalized populations and training young people to advocate for themselves and their communities. Founding Executive Director of the Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health (ICAH). President of Alzheimer’s Spoken Here, a Chicago-based advocacy organization.
More About Jenny:
- Remembering Jennifer Knauss, Fierce Leader and Advocate, by Yamani Hernandez, June 18, 2012
- ‘Buddy’ program meets needs of Alzheimer’s community. August 2005
- Jenny’s remarks, Veteran Feminists of America event, The Unfinished Business of the Women’s Movement, Chicago, IL August 2004
- The Jenny Knauss Collection, Charles Deering McCormick Library of Special Collections, Northwestern University
- Sisters Against the System, Remembering the Chicago Women’s Liberation Union By Cara Jepsen March 4, 1999
- Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health website
- Chicago Women’s Liberation Union Herstory Project website
- Cited in Barbara Love’s book, Feminists Who Changed America 1963-1975, page 258