Gonnie Siegel
March 5, 1928 – September 29, 2005
“Women are learning that the only currency for buying confidence is courage.”
Author. A founder of the chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW) of Westchester, New York and an editor of NOW’s national newsletter, Do it NOW. Chair of the Equal Employment Opportunities committee of the Westchester County Women’s Task Force. Chair of the Equal Rights Amendment committee for the Westchester Women’s Council, 1981.

Photo. Woman’s Work Book by Karin Abarbanel and Gonnie McClung Siegel, published in 1975.

More About Gonnie:
- Obituary
- Women Take Fast Track to Rise Above Discrimination in Jobs, January 1984
- For Women, Sales Leads to the Top of the Ladder, December 1982
- Ms. Siegel Sells Sales as Winner for Women, September 1982
- Beating the High Cost of Education, November 1981
- Voting rights or ERA: the arguments are the same, August 1980
- Pulling ERA from the GOP Platform, June 1980
- Wikipedia page
- Cited in Barbara Love’s book, Feminists Who Changed America 1963-1975, page 423