Geraldine “Gerry” Ferraro
“You can do whatever you want to do. You can be whoever you want to be.”
First female vice-presidential candidate on a major party ticket in U.S., 1984. Assistant District Attorney, Queens County New York, 1974. Head of Special Victims Bureau, 1977; prosecuted cases involving rape, child abuse, spouse abuse and domestic violence. Elected, U.S. House of Representatives, 1978. Admitted to United States Supreme Court bar, 1978. Co-sponsor, 1981 Economic Equity Act. Founder, Americans Concerned for Tomorrow, political action committee; focused on getting women candidates elected. Harvard Institute of Politics, fellow, 1988 – 1992. U.S. Ambassador, United Nations Commission on Human Rights, 1993 – 1996. CNN political talk show Crossfire, 1996 – 1998. Campaigned for U.S. Senate, 1992 and 1998. Published three books, Ferraro: My Story, 1985; Changing History: Women, Power and Politics, 1993; Framing a Life: A Family Memoir, 1998. Inducted, National Women’s Hall of Fame, 1994. Initial recipient, Trailblazer Award, National Conference of Women’s Bar Associations, 2008. Bachelor of Arts in English, Marymount Manhattan College, 1956. JD with honors, Fordham University School of Law, 1960.
“Geraldine will forever be remembered as a trailblazer who broke down barriers for women and Americans of all backgrounds and walks of life.” President Barack Obama, 2011.
More About Geraldine:
- Obituary – New York Times
- Geraldine Ferraro – Britannica Presents 100 Women Trailblazers
- “Geraldine Ferraro’s 1984 VP Nomination was Historic, But Failed to Clinch a Win, History”
- Geraldine Ferraro and the Triumph of Feminism, Cato Institute
- Geraldine Ferraro: Paving the Way
- Select Interviews/Videos:
- Geraldine Ferraro Interview, “Debating Our Destiny,” June 13, 1990, PBS
- “HROT Celebrity Interview: Geraldine Ferraro,” HRO Today
- Vice Presidential Acceptance Speech transcript.
- “Geraldine Ferraro: Paving the Way,” Official Film Site
- Meet the Press, Geraldine Ferraro’s 1984 Vice-Presidential Campaign
- Geraldine Ferraro’s Full Speech at the 1984 Democratic Convention.
- Geraldine A. Ferraro,
- Archives
- Geraldine Ferraro – Wikipedia
- Cited in Barbara Love’s book, Feminists Who Changed America, 1963 – 1975 pages 145, 146