Frances Kissling
“I Make People Think.”
Author. Speaker. Educator. Social marketer focusing on values and ethics. Founding president of the National Abortion Federation. Past president of Catholics for a Free Choice. Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. President, The Center for Health, Ethics and Social Policy.
Interviewed by Mary Jean Collins, VFA Historian, June 2020

Photo 1. Rosie: The Investigation of a Wrongful Death, Book by Ellen Frankfort and Frances Kissling, 1979. Photo 2. Speaking on behalf of Catholics for a Free Choice, 1982. Photo 3. Frances Kissling, 1987. Photo 4. Frances speaking at an event sponsored by Penn Dems (Photo by Justin Cohen).
More About Frances:
- Select writings by Frances Kissling on
- Select videos including Frances Kissling – Women’s Learning Partnership
- Background Briefing with Ian Masters, The Powerful Special Interests Behind Kavanaugh, 2019
- Icons and Activists, 50 Years of People Making a Change honors Frances Kissling
- Values Added: Moral Responsibility in Sexuality | Frances Kissling & William Saletan 2018
- Choice – the Documentary
- Reproductive Justice Hearing: Religion, Conscience Objections, & Hospital Mergers Panel, 2015
- The On Being Project abortion debate 2012
- Frances Kissling on NPR
- Interview with Krista Tippett, On Being, 2011
- Fifteen Years After: Revisiting the International Conference on Population and Development, 2009
- An Emotional Approach to Abortion Rights by Village Voice, 2004
- Population and Reproductive Health Oral History Project Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College Northampton, MA Frances Kissling Interviewed by Rebecca Sharpless September 13–14, 2002
- Frances Kissling in the Emmy winning film “From Danger to Dignity: The Fight for Safe Abortion, by Dorothy Fadiman
- Wikipedia