Florynce “Flo” Rae Kennedy
February 11, 1916 – December 21, 2000
Attorney, activist, author. National Organization for Women, founder of the Feminist Party and the National Black Feminist Organization, National Women’s Political Caucus. Founded Media Workshop, an organization that fought discrimination in the media. She was a founding member of the NWPC; and helped organize Shirley Chisholm’s campaign for the Presidential nomination in 1972. She also founded the Coalition Against Racism and Sexism.

Photo 1. With Gloria Steinem (photo courtesy of New York Public Library). Photo 2. Flo Kennedy at the IWY Conference, 1977, Houston (photo by Dori Jacobson-Wenzel). Photo 3. Attorney Flo Kennedy reads proclamation at Sexism in the Media event, May 1975 (photo by Bettye Lane).

More About Flo:
- Remembering Flo Kennedy, Radical Black Feminist Attorney, The Village Sun, June 2020
- Judge Emily Jane Goodman on Florynce Kennedy – Look What SHE Did!
- VFA Salute to Bella Abzug, Gloria Steinam introduces Flo -December 1994
- She Did What? Podcast
- Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute
- Florynce “Flo” Kennedy, The Life of a Black Feminist Radical – Sherie M. Randolph
- The Joan Murray Show interview
- C-SPAN – JULY 5, 1991 National Organization for Women Conference (Marilyn Fiderman introduces Flo at 20:00)
- Filmed interview of Flo Kennedy by Kate Millett and Linda Kavars, 1991
- Flo Kennedy analyzes U.S. coverage of South Africa. Paper Tiger Television 1985
- Flo Kennedy talks about electoral politics, The Love Tapes Collection 1974
- Rediscovered Radio Flashback: Flo Kennedy Speaks at Antioch – 1971
- Color Me Flo: My Hard Times and Good Times, by Flo Kennedy
- Wikipedia
- Cited in Barbara Love’s Book – Feminists Who Changed America – pages 21, 171–172, 180, 250, 279, 429