Dr. Mordeca Jane Pollock
March 23, 1941 – December 12, 2016
“Let’s celebrate the wonderful things we did for women and men in America.” – Dr. Mordeca Jane Pollock, PhD, 1996
National Organization for Women: founding chapter president of Eastern Massachusetts NOW (1969-1970), chair of the Chapter Advisory Board (1971-1972), member of the NOW National Conference Resolutions Committee (1971-1973, and chair, 1971), and served on the NOW National Board of Directors (1971-1973, 1975). Member of the Massachusetts Governor’s Commission on the Status of Women (1971-1972), chairing the Health Task Force. Professor of French at Brandeis University, chair of the Brandeis Affirmative Action Advisory Committee (1973-1974), and Brandeis affirmative action coordinator (1973-1974).
Photo. Muriel Fox, Chair of the Board, VFA presents Mordeca Jane Pollock with VFA medal of honor, 1996.
More About Mordeca Jane:
- Veteran Feminists of America – VFA celebrates NOW’s 30th Anniversary, Barnard College, NYC November 1996
- Papers of NOW officer Mordeca Jane Pollock, 1969-1976, Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute
- Response of Dr. Pollock, Affirmative Action in Employment in Higher Education, A Consultation Sponsored by the United States Commission on Civil Rights, Washington, D.C., September 1975
- Statement of Mordeca Jane Pollock, National Organization For Women, Federal Higher Education Programs Institutional Eligibility Hearings Before the Special Subcommittee on Education of the Committee on Education and Labor, House of Representatives, Ninety-third Congress, Second Session, By United States. Congress. House. Committee on Education and Labor. Special Subcommittee on Education · 1974
- Changing the Role of Women, by Dr. Mordeca Jane Pollock PhD, October 1971