Diann DeWeese Smith
April 24, 1927 – November 10, 2011
“I’ve always believed in the abilities of women and I believe I have a responsibility to fix what needs fixing.”
Prize-winning editor with Scott Foresman. Founded the YWCA Loop Center and served as its executive director from 1969-1977. At the YWCA, led an organization that fought rape and domestic violence, established child support collection services and organized professional women to donate psychological counseling and legal services. Groups like Chicago Gray Panthers and Women Employed were developed under their roof. Director of communications and development for Mount Sinai Hospital Medical Center in Chicago from 1982-85 and vice president for communications and development at the center from 1985-1991. Executive director of the Foundation for Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation, 1991. Organizer for the Chicago Foundation for Women and served on their board. Served on advisory boards or the board of directors for the Day Care Crisis Council, Chicago NOW, the Negro College Fund, the Contemporary Art Museum, Women’s Action Alliance, Business and Professional People for the Public Interest and the Illinois Prisons and Jails Project. Producer/moderator for “Relating to Women” on WFYR radio. Helped create The Chicago Network, an organization of Chicago’s most senior influential women leaders.
Photo by Lee Tracy
More About Diann:
- Obituary
- Women Alive! A Legacy of Social Justice: A tribute to Chicago’s Pioneering Women, 2003
- The Chicago Network website
- Cited in Barbara Love’s book, Feminists Who Changed America 1963-1975, page 431