Deborah Silverstein
“I don’t remember when I became politically conscious of the notion of feminism, but I was already there in my heart and mind.”
Singer/Songwriter, Therapist. A fixture on the Boston area acoustic music scene since the mid-1970s as a founding member of the New Harmony Sisterhood Band. Cambridge Women’s Center. Women’s feminist therapy collective, Focus Counseling.
Interviewed by Judy Waxman, July 2021

Photo 1. New Harmony Sisterhood Band – Katie Tolles, Kendal Hale, Marcia Deihl, Pat Oullette and Deborah Silverstein (Photo, Josh Reynolds for The Boston Globe). Photo 2. Deborah, solo album, Around the Next Bend, 1987. Photo 3. Deborah, 2016.
More About Deborah:
- Deborah Silverstein website
- New Harmony Sisterhood Band
- Marcia Deihl, Deborah Silverstein and Kristen Lems perform at “A Revolutionary Moment: Women’s Liberation in the late 1960s and early 1970s,” a March 2014 conference organized by BU’s Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies Program.
- Taproot, a women’s vocal harmony quartet
- All Our Lives: A Women’s Songbook, by Joyce Cheney, Marcia Deihl and Deborah Silverstein, 1976
- Mapping Feminist Cambridge, The Cambridge Commission on the Status of Women
- Focus Counseling and Consultation, Inc., 1973-2013 , page 22