Lt. Charlene Suneson, PhD
“My most important contribution at the national level was helping NOW move from a position of abstaining from political action to that of using political action, by obtaining an IRS ruling enabling NOW to take political action without losing tax-exempt status.”
Born in 1934. Joined the Navy and was the first woman line officer to be ordered to shipboard duty in 1961. Joined the newly created New York NOW. Assisted Kate Millett in the writing of Token Learning on ways women’s colleges short-changed their students, by providing data on the standings of these schools. L.A. NOW’s Legislative Action Committee Coordinator in 1971 and later the Southern California Legislative Coordinator. National NOW Board member, 1971-1974 and National Secretary, 1974-1975. Supervisory Equal Employment Specialist in the Los Angeles District Office of the EEOC enforcing Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Honorary Board member of Veteran Feminists of America.

Photo. Lt. Charlene Suneson, 1961.

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