Commander Beth F. Coye, U.S. Navy (ret.)
“After 21 years of service I chose to leave the Navy early for being forced to compromise my integrity.”
Commander, U.S. Navy retired. Political Science Professor. Author. Writer. Policy Maker and Changer. Activist. Graduate of Wellesley College, the American University School of International Service and the School of Naval Warfare (Naval War College). Emerita board member of Servicemembers Legal Defense Network and its Military Advisory Council. Unitarian Universalist.
Interviewed by Dr. Jani Rollins, M.D. Videographer, Natalie Weber

Photos 1 and 2. Beth Coye. Photo 3. Beth with her father, RADM Jack Coye.
More About Beth:
- Opinion: I am proud to be a Navy veteran. Let’s hope more women will follow, by Beth Coye, November 8, 2024.
- How I helped create a new era for women in the U.S. Navy, August 2024
- Looking back, I know I made the Navy a better place
- Creative narration on US Navy Equality of the Sexes with resident Beth Coye & Resident Speakers. Learn the fascinating history behind our Navy’s decision to adopt a policy of gender equality. Taken directly from the life experiences of Resident Beth Coye, this special performance features three residents as the admirals who brought the policy to life. May 18, 2023, Wesley Palms Retirement Community, San Diego, CA.
- A conversation with Commander Beth Coye, June 30th, 2021
- “Truth in Action” Keynote Address for Society of American Law Teachers (SALT)
- Commander Beth F. Coye, U.S. Navy (ret.) Bibliography – Studies, Magazines and Newspapers
- Gays in the Military: Connecting the Dots, January 2007
- Beth Coye articles on
- Coye, Beth F. (1972) “The Restricted Unrestricted Line Officer: The Status of the Navy’s Woman Line Officer,” Naval War College Review: Vol. 25 : No. 3 , Article 6.
- My Navy Too, by Beth Coye on Amazon
- We Are Family Too – Military Outreach Committee Family Initiative, Beth Coye, Lead Member
- Newspaper Clippings
- “To Thine Own Country Be True,” ThriveGlobal
- “America Is Crying Out for a National Plan to Defeat COVID-19,” ThriveGlobal
- “Firing of Captain Over Virus Warning Still Rankles. We Must Repair Civil/Military Relations,” ThriveGlobal
- “The Aging, Hopeful Activist” Inclusivity and Acceptance Video Chat, June 18, 2020