Barbara Love
“Feminist Troublemaker”
Lesbian Rights Activist. Author and Editor. Organizer. Consciousness-Raiser. Policy Changer. Competitive Swimmer. National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. PFLAG (Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays). Board of Veteran Feminists of America. Radicalesbians. Matriarchists. NOW.
Interviewed by Laura Petrella, 2009

Photos 1 and 2. Barbara Love. Photos 3 and 4. Sappho was a Right-on Woman: A Liberated View of Lesbianism. Sidney Abbott; Barbara Love (1977). Stein and Day.
More About Barbara:
- Barbara Love, Celebration of Life, September 10, 2023, New York, NY
- There At the Dawning: Memories of a Lesbian Feminist, by Barbara Love, 2021
- Barbara Love, Generations of Pride at Theater for the New City, June 24, 2019, New York:
- Barbara Love on C-SPAN, “NOW Celebrates its 50th Anniversary,” June 24, 2016, Washington DC
- Eleanor Pam, Barbara Love and Suzanne Braun Levine on Second wave feminism, October 12, 2013
- Jacqui Ceballos introducing Barbara Love – Celebrating Feminists Who Changed America 1963-1975 – 2007
- Feminists Who Changed America by Barbara Love
- VFA Fabulous Feminist Biography
- Wikipedia
- The Forgotten Feminists Museum
- Voices of Feminism – Interview by Kelly Anderson 2008 -Sophia Smith Collection
- The Swimmer – a film by Liza Béar 2017
- “Feminista Ossessiva” – with both humor and a sense of history, Barbara Love explains why she rejected the opportunity to acquire valuable oil paintings, portraits of a distant relative, saved by her mother. In Italian with English subtitles. Filmed by Liza Bear April 21 2017 in New York City. Italian translation by Zeyn Joukhadar.
- Barbara Love interviews Sidney Abbott in 1993. The Tully-Crenshaw Feminist Oral History Project
- American Archive of Public Broadcasting with a half-hour interview with Barbara Love on “Woman,” a TV program from 1972-1977 produced by WNED, Buffalo, hosted and produced by Sandra Elkin. March 28, 1974.