Anne B. Turpeau
1926 – 2013
Black Women’s Agenda. D.C. International Women’s Year Coordinating Committee. District of Columbia Commission for Women. National Council of Negro Women. National Women’s Conference. Organization of Black Activist Women. US Delegation to the World Conference of the United Nations Decade for Women: Equality, Development and Peace, 1980, Copenhagen, Denmark. Washington Urban League. Washington Women’s Forum.

More About Anne:
- VFA Honors National Treasure Anne Turpeau in Washington, D.C. April 28, 2000
- Anne B. Turpeau Papers, Library of Congress
- Howard University Center for African Studies
- Testimony before the Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs of the United States Senate 1969
- Selected newspaper clippings 1978 – 1979
- Anne Turpeau on CSPAN
- The Black Women’s Agenda Inc.
- National Council of Negro Women Inc.
- Cited in Barbara Love’s Book – Feminists Who Changed America – page 469