Veteran Feminists of America Obituaries
Muriel Nikki Brink Beare
Nikki Beare of Havana, FL, 86, died Monday, November 10, 2014 in Tallahassee. She was born March 7, 1928 in Detroit to Stanley Brink and Dorothy Welch Brink. She graduated from Cass Technical High in1946. June 15, 1946, she married Richard A. Beare of Havana, and they moved to Traverse City, Michigan. Nikki Beare became an activist when she found limited library services. She got BookMobile services started and again when they moved to Miami. After moving to Islamorada, FL, Nikki began writing for the local paper. She discovered a love of journalism and continued reporting at the South Dade Free Press, the Miami News and Tallahassee Democrat as Gadsden County writer. Nikki got her Bachelor of Arts from Skidmore College in 1980. She was one of the first female lobbyists in Florida in the 1960s and continued her activism until recently. Nikki fought for the ERA, and represented clients such as the Florida Hospital Association, Florida Bicycle Association, and Kodak. Published in Tallahassee Democrat from Nov. 21 to Nov. 23, 201
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